Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Stuck between a Western Rock and an Arab Stone Dar, Tartar, World gone crazy, Mouse

It is becoming more evident, that the Arab populations are getting it from two ends. The assault is both, from an international geopolitical pressure, with all its attenuated economic ramifications and national entities. The internal squeeze, comes from the national elite who, vying for positioning --as they try to placate themselves in the best light as facilitators of this global agenda -- compromise some national interests.

This is nothing novel of course, a mere continuation of the colonialist Creole arrangement that has engulfed the world in wrath, greed and death for nearly 600 inturrepted years. There may have been a few alterations in this bane orgy, such as a few elections, minimum wage laws, televisions, fancy automibiles and other consumer goods but the process essentially, has retained its structural integrity.

Some objectionable practices may call for extremene elasticity and hight interests yielding foreign investment and financing of capital. IMF payments and abiding to strict economic regimen, which forbid social forms of ownership (As in Iraq) are sometimes mandatory in this international scheme. But on the bright side, most of the Middle Eastern states have natural resourses -- there will be a enough left over to sprinkle around. The bad news though, is the diminishing political returns for those national sectors seen as unscrupulous elites.

The current swell of dissastifaction in the Arab world with this untenable relationship
parallels similar public upsurge beginning the 1950s. At this onset grass roots movements and popular militias swept across Africa, South America, Asia and the Levant. A slew of brave leaders of both men and women with vision and conviction, harnessed this widespread yearning, many have called this period the era of Nationalism.

The current political crisis facing the Middle Eastern Arabs transcends the micro organism that nationalism represents. Indeed, we are all tied together closer today in the global village of information and technology. Islam has never rejected technology nor information, as the myth goes in the West. In fact, much of this technology and data rest on Arab ingeniuty. What some have argued for in Islamic circles is a rejection of the negative social implications. The contention is technology and information institutions when left strictly to the whims of the market without taking into consideration the adverse consequences on the social fabric is counterproductive to raising strong and moral families. The argument claims that certain moral values must guide society in all aspect of life not just during weekly and holiday visits to the temple, synogogue or church. This is not a rejection of the West, per se, it is merely a tweaking of a maket intensive society gone awry. It is an issue of framing and an attempt to contextualize econmic life within the spiritual realm.

At any rate, a successful attempt to bridge the Sunni-Shi'a divide is in desparate need. Similarly, organizing and mobilizing against both these sinister national and suspicious international malefactors would help relieve the people of their longfelt woes.
It is difficult to fight any well established enemy while there is internal division among a people, this becomes more precarious when 3 or 4 different yet, integrated entrenched enemies are confronting the aspirations of the nation.


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