Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hamas Collaborate against the collaborators - The Olive Trees Have Become Terrorists Too, In that Sense

The foundation and sources of steadfastness, which have been maintained under such overwhelming odds when facing the hegemon Israel, firstly emanates from G-d, the remainder of this everlasting and inextinguishable power has always been expressed in innate cries for freedom and justice. The energy is rejuvinated and reinforced each time one looks up into the sky and revels in the beauty of and complexity of life.

Palestinians have merely, seen in the past seven decades of occupation and settlement a continually, fragmenting polity and a politics bent on a diplomacy that seems to always end up at a vortex or some Bermuda Triangle of negotiation - a peace process that morphs into pieces of led that come alive tearing through flesh and bones only to digress into physical death and progress to an annihilation of dreams deferred. A never ending war process, which seeks to dispossess the Palestinian heritage - to wipe us off the face of the map if you will, are no match for this natural power within the human being - it comes from the air, sun and the trees. Maybe the Israelis have finally, realized this about the trees and are rushing to kill all the olive trees. The olive trees have become terrorists too, in that sense.

Palestinia Authority nabs senior Hamas collaborator

A senior official in one of the Palestinian Authority's security organizations was arrested recently by the PA for fear that he had collaborated with Hamas. The officer in question held the rank of aqid (equivalent to colonel) in one of the "more sensitive" branches of PA security, Ynet was told by a Palestinian source.

"The man is very well known and well-connected in the PA," said a security source, who reported that the man's arrest was made possible largely thanks to intelligence information passed to the PA by Israel and the United

Senior officials in the PA worry that the man's arrest is merely the tip of the iceberg, the first incident of a wider phenomenon of unknown collaborators with Hamas. This despite the fact that the PA functions under the assumption that there are 'plants' within the organization and works to expose them.

The officer's arrest follows a wave of "loyalty screenings" given to hundreds of policemen and security officers, some of them merely because of dubious family connections to Hamas rather than concrete suspicions.

The screenings are designed to prevent Hamas from gaining any sort of foothold within the ranks of the Palestinian Authority.

A committee appointed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to examine Hamas' Gaza takeover in 2007 revealed that almost a third of the Gazan security forces, allegedly belonging to the PA, were actually agents of Hamas.

A Palestinian source told Ynet that, in reality, the number of covert Hamas agents was at least double, ceding the de facto majority of PA security forces in Gaza to Hamas at the time of the overthrow.

In the meantime, PA security forces managed to uncover a Hamas ring in Ramallah, who were fundraising and building infrastructure for the group's military wing. They were in possession of some 4 million dollars. PA security sources estimate that this is only a small taste of Hamas' network in the West Bank.

Hamas warned the Palestinian Authority against continued cooperation with Israel and against harassment of its members. They stated the claim the group was building military infrastructure in the West Bank was deliberate misinformation.

Even though the PA acted in concert with Israeli forces in this venture and Israel is a benificiary of these undertakings, the YnetNews categorized the article in a caption that read: Internal Fighting. If the Israelis can see it why can't the Palestinian Authority? The most telling part about this article was the irony the caption captivates. The olive trees have become terrorists too, in that sense.


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